
Cheat Engine 6.4 Download for Windows

You are about to download Cheat Engine, Version ( 6.4 ) for Windows.

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All you need to know about this download

  • Version: 6.4
  • Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, or 10.
  • File Name: CheatEngine64.exe
  • File Size: 10.4 MB
  • Cheat Engine 6.4 is scanned using 68 antivirus apps (Check VirusTotal Scan Report)
  • After clicking on start download, this application will start downloading from Official Server
  • The file is in its Orginal Form. Fileion does not bundle or repack or modify downloads in any way.
Change Log

Cheat Engine for Windows Change Log

Checkout what's new in Cheat Engine for Windows Version (6.4)


Cheat Engine 6.4 brings a wealth of improvements and new features for memory editing enthusiasts. Here's a rundown of the key changes:

Bug Fixes

  • Stability: Crashes arising from multiple scan tabs, debugger breakpoints, and memory scans are now a thing of the past.
  • Memory Editing: Editing 8-byte values in the hex view and handling buffer overflows during scans are smoother than ever.
  • Compatibility: Issues with 32-bit modules being detected as 64-bit, incorrect DirectX version detection, and UTF-8 encoded text display are fixed.
  • User Interface: Dissect data column clicks, auto assembler command highlighting, Ultimap functionality in Windows 8, and form designer object deletion are all working as intended.

New Features

  • Network Support: The network server can now handle multiple connections simultaneously, and the Linux/Android version boasts basic debugging and speedhack functionalities. Network communication is further optimized with compression and module injection for Linux/Android.
  • Improved Debuggers and Scanners: A donottrace.txt file allows specifying modules to be stepped through instead of traced. Pointer scanning is enhanced with performance improvements, smaller .PTR file generation options, distributed scanning, and rescanning capabilities. The process list now supports filtering for easier navigation.
  • Symbols and Memory Views: Support for .PDB debug files brings parameter and local variable references to the table. New features include decimal display modes, shift-scrolling in the hex view and disassembler for precise navigation, and a search option for the stack view.
  • D3D Hook: Reattaching the D3D hook to previously hooked processes is now possible.
  • Lua Engine: The Lua engine window gains search and replace functionality, breakpoints, variable inspection, step-over capabilities, tab indentation, and customization options. Lua scripting is further strengthened with a dedicated search path for extensions, more forgiving method/property name handling, threading helper functions, disassembler/assembler overriding capabilities, and a plethora of other new features documented in main.lua.
  • Trainer Generator: The beepOnAction function is replaced with a more versatile playSoundOnAction function with built-in sounds. The XM file field now features a play button for easier sound preview. Several new components, properties, and methods are added for Lua scripting and trainer generation.

Additional Notes

  • Cheat Engine 6.4 comes with updated Russian language translations thanks to SER[G]ANT.
  • Post-release fixes address driver responsiveness and custom data types in data dissection.

Overall, Cheat Engine 6.4 offers a significant upgrade for users, with a focus on stability, improved functionality, and expanded features across various aspects of memory editing. 


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